Friday, September 30, 2011

That Cat's a Bulldog in the Courtroom

Your settlement is just a whisker away...

Donut Demands

When I see the pencil between Phoebe's paws, I know I'm in trouble.  She only writes a note when she would like to present me with a set of demands.  This time, however, she told me she needed help with a math problem.


No Tip For You!

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

A Cupcake Distraction

A Tissue for Your Issue?

Wordless Wednesday

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

How to Steal a Box

Immediate Vacancies!

Rare Vacancies Available!
Studio cat pads w/giant picture window,
1st/2nd flr avble, near bathrooms and dining, 
catnip mice welcome

Attack of Spaghetti Lips

Monday, September 26, 2011

A Barry Scary Sight

Pucker Up!

Fresh Laundry Basket in a Bottle

Every feline will go wild after this enticing new cologne.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Phoebe is No Muggle Moggie!

Flat-Bottomed Girls

I placed a clear box on the kitchen floor and, in typical cat-fashion, it became occupied in .23678 seconds by one surly-looking Phoebe.

We decided it would be funny to see what flat-bottomed Phoebe looked like so we lifted the surly girl off the ground.

I think it looks kind of artsy-fartsy, don't you?  Sort of like fancy sand art or something.  Hey -- flat-bottomed cat art could be the next new happenin' trend!  Don't tell Phoebe about my idea, though...she'll want at least an 80% cut.  

What do you think?

Cosmo's Eggceptional Gift

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Saffy's Gettin' Cheesy on the Slopes

Although it was panned by the critics, Saffy fully endorses the saucy new ride.

Get Off My Stool, Fool!

At my house, there are at least 372 places a where cat could curl up and snooze (including an identical stool inches away from the one pictured below).  Apparently there's something phenomenal about this particular bar stool because Phoebe insisted on trying to jack it from Cosmo.

"Give me the stool, Cosmo..."

"I said...give me the stool!"

Do your cats fight over sleeping spots too?  

Caturday Matinee -- Staring Contest: Lost

Have you ever tried to have a staring contest with a cat?
 Consider it a FAIL before you even begin.


Friday, September 23, 2011

Saffy's Broken Down Box

Saffy regrets not renewing her AAA membership.

Don't Hate Me Because I Love Unicorns

Cosmo can no longer be silenced...

Panic in the Streets!!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Guardian of the Garbage Bags

Because I love the photos of Cosmo hiding in the kitchen cabinets so much (and generally find myself laughing at a joke for days after everyone else has stopped laughing), I decided to share a close-up of Mr. Cosmo's silly shot with the bags and various paper products.  LOOK at him! Look at that face!

Seriously, could I not still be laughing at this?  I've been thinking about the various titles I could choose to truly capture the mood of the photo.  I decided on Guardian of the Garbage Bags because I like the hard "g" sounds (I'm a sucker for alliteration) and the thought of someone seriously guarding a giant box of Costco garbage bags cracks me up in a huge way.  He does look pretty serious, though.  

Here are some other possible titles for the above photo:

Protector of the Paper Products
Costco Cosmo
Peeping Tom (ha ha...'cause he's a tom cat)
Cats: Better in Bulk
Cosmos' Best Roll Yet.

OK...I think it's out of my system now...maybe.

A Vision for Unconditional Love

There's one common bond all living creatures share: the need to feel loved and accepted.  No matter how we look, how we learn, what language we speak, or what challenges we may face...all of us deserve the same respect. It's a sad fact that sometimes animals who, to the eye, may appear or act a little out-of-the-ordinary are overlooked by potential adopters.  These sweet souls are out-of-the-ordinary; they are extraordinary!  Many have overcome obstacles and their fighting spirit has kept them here.  They're just looking for that special someone who recognizes their worth and beauty and eagerness to love and be loved.  In celebration and recognition of these special animals, Petfinder is sponsoring Adopt a Less Adoptable Pet Week the week of September 17-25.

Meet Tippie, a gorgeous girl who found her way to Feline Rescue, Inc. in St. Paul, MN.  Tippie arrived at the shelter with one blind eye.  The vet thinks the eye was likely punctured by a claw and it has steadily become more red and swollen.  Now the vet is recommending the eye be removed and permanently closed. Additionally, the other eye is infected with a herpes virus and will require treatment for the rest of her life.

Photo: Feline Rescue Inc.

Currently, Tippie is being loved and cared for in the home of foster mom, Carolyn.  Tippie's eye surgery is scheduled for September 29th; after healing time, she will be available for adoption.  Although her vision is limited, her heart is bursting with unlimited love and she will undoubtedly make a sweet and loyal companion for the human lucky enough to provide her with a forever home.  

Photo: Feline Rescue, Inc.

Surgery is expensive, but necessary in order to repair Tippie's infected eye.  Feline Rescue Inc. is accepting donations (make sure and designate "Tippie" when donating) toward the medical costs and Carolyn has committed to matching each $200 collected with one large bag of toys for the kitties at Feline Rescue Inc.  If you'd like to follow Tippie's progress, please join her  Facebook group. And thank you for considering a donation.  To meet cats like Tippie and other less-adoptable pets, please click over to Petfinder's gallery.

I think there's a lot more good going on in the world than the media often covers.  I believe there's more good than bad and there's more than enough love to share with each and every living creature.  Love is limitless and everyone deserves to feel that warm rush of unconditional adoration.  Everyone.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

I Know I Need Fiber, But...

Wordless Wednesday

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Furry Technology

Monday, September 19, 2011

A Hair Too Late

Inspired by recent Friends reruns, Saffy tries on the 
"Rachel" hairdo (15 years too late).

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Caturday Matinee

Kitten is relentless!! 

Friday, September 16, 2011

Sunny Butts

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Could You Say No to That Face??


All animals are beautiful and deserve a chance...even the ones that need a little more care and understanding than others. Unfortunately, they are the ones who are often overlooked at shelters. September 17-25, Petfinder is asking for help promoting these special pets, encouraging the public to give a chance to those who might not have gotten a second glance. How can you say no to a face like this?

Mr. Magoo is currently available for adoption at a Newark DE shelter. He is 50-70% visually impaired, but will offer some lucky human 100% of the love in his heart. You can learn more about him and other less-adoptable pets at the gallery on Petfinder.

If you write a blog or website, please grab one of these badges and post an article next week, creating awareness about and encouraging adoption of these very special pets. If you don't write a blog/site, please link to Petfinder's gallery or one of the many articles that will be published next week on your favorite pet blogs and sites (hint, hint...).

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Wordless Wednesday

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

We Clean Up Real Nice!

I'm super-excited about my new logo, designed by a very talented old friend named Jason. He did a perfect job capturing the spirit of Catladyland and I love the clean, new look.

Sure thing, Saffy...

Monday, September 12, 2011

Cat Back-Talkin' and a Winner!

And now for the winner of the BISSELL® giveaway......Shauna from Pickles and Dimes!! Congrats, Shauna -- I know these BISSELL® goodies will tackle those litter bits and fuzzy tumbleweeds quite nicely!  

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