
Thursday, November 18, 2010

Tips for Avoiding "The Angry Snuggle"

Although cats love a good snuggle, there are definitely times when they'd like us to keep our paws off...

Bath time...

At meal times or when sharing a special moment with some nip...

When checking Facebook...

When trying to be fierce and intimidating to chipmunks, birds, or squirrels...

Nap time...

When deeply interested in a fascinating read...

The results of attempted cuddling during these times = The Angry Snuggle


  1. I have been the recipient of "The Angry Snuggle"... it sure does not give you that lovin' feeling... LOL!

    Cute post Angie!
    xo Catherine

  2. I loved this, Angie! I get angry snuggles from Snicket all the time!

  3. in our house it is always an angry snuggle

  4. I think I need to get my feline sister a copy of that book! Not that she needs any help being devious!

    Your pal, Pip

  5. That really doesn't leave much time for snuggling though, does it? Guess that's why mine come around while I'm asleep.

  6. @Marissa - same with my home! always an angry there another way?! LOL

  7. Love the bird-watching ears :)
    Cute post. It happens here, too.

  8. We must be broken, we never have angry snuggles!

  9. LOVED that! I have had some angry snuggles by trying to snuggle during some of those key times when they look so soft and inviting!

    The Admiral's Mom

  10. Even the angry snuggle looks happy to me!

  11. Annie has angry snuggles for sure. LOL. The boys, especially Derry, not so much. They're pretty cuddly. Usually it's the mom who wants/needs her space. :-P

  12. Perfect name for it, the angry snuggle. Charlie hates to be picked up, so I get the angry snuggle when I do. Still if he wants to snuggle it doesn't matter what I'm doing, he barges in...of course I take my lovin when I can get it from him.

  13. Angry snuggles - too funny! My Henry kitty pushes my face away with his paws. Oscar just gets grumpier. (He especially hates kisses!)

  14. angry snuggles.. I love it... Alex only likes loving when he is buttering me up for an early meal!

  15. Oh that chipmunk picture - what a tease!!

  16. There is a time to snuggle an then ther eis time to back off!

  17. GAH! We get interupted doing ALLA those things. Our People are cretins.

  18. this is hilarious! So true. Especially the bath time thing. I make a point of bothering mine during bath time. Very cute Ang! I love the book shot also.


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